Pressure-induced superconductivity in WTe2

Tungsten ditelluride (WTe2) is emerging in interest due to its titanic unsaturated magnetoresistance and two dimensional atomic structures. Here we report the first successful observation of pressure-induced superconductivity in WTe2. We identify a dome-shaped superconducting phase in the pressure-temperature space: superconductivity sharply appears at the pressure of 2.5 GPa where it quickly reaches a maximum critical temperature of Tc=7 K at around 16.8 GPa, followed by a gradual decrease in Tc with increasing pressure. Theoretical calculations suggest that pressure significantly enlarges the density of states at the Fermi level (N(EF)), which may account for the emergence of superconductivity. The possible structural instability may be responsible for the decrease of Tc in the high pressure region.

Carl Pavletich